Someone spotted a fruit…

Someone spotted a fruit, still unripe
Shook the branch and it fell, lacking poise
There's one who did not sing a line
And was left unaware of his voice

Perhaps, he had conflicts with fate
And by chance, his plans went amiss
But the guitar string had already been laid
And its flaw was unknowingly missed

He started humbly with a "do..."
But never finished that one note
His first accord fell much too flat
He made an unexciting vice
A dog was barking, and a cat
Was chasing mice...

It's funny, don't you think it's wry?
He left his joke halfway complete
He did not fully taste his wine
He didn't even take a sip

He was only plotting his fret
He was timid and slow to begin
And his soul, in large droplets of sweat,
Still perspired from under his skin

He was starting a duel, so inane
He walked slowly onto the floor
Only grasping the rules of the game
While the ref hadn't opened the score

He yearned to know so much at once
And yet, he never quite advanced
And no conclusion could be drawn
He never traveled deep enough
And her, the one who's still alone,
He lacked a chance to fully love

It's funny; don't you think it's droll?
He hurried, ran, but all in vain
And riddles that he hadn't solved
Unsolved remained...

What I'm telling you now aren't lies
He was pure to the style he held
On the snow, he was writing her rhymes
And it's sad that the snow had to melt

But it was snowing that day, and at least
He was free to write on the snow
On the run, he would catch with his lips
Crystal flakes in their brilliant glow

But to her, in a silver-gilt surrey
He never made it all the way
He had no time to sprint nor fly
He never ran, the runaway
His star-sign--Taurus-- from up high
Just lapped the ice-cold Milky Way

It's kind of funny, don't you think?
Not having seconds, time was tight,
And from a single missing link --
Unfinished flight, unfinished flight...

Seemed funny, didn't it? Of course
To you and me, it surely did
A flying bird, a racing horse...
Whose fault is it?

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